A paean to God’s majesty and power

God is in control. Huzzah, hooray, praise the Lord!
He is in control with the fullness of His goodness and boundless power—
more powerful than any evil anywhere on earth—
so we cannot be in the grip of pain or misfortune.
God’s allness precludes that. Huzzah!
Imagine that! 
He is in control of our entire life—
in control of our health. 
He is the source of all our abilities—
our satisfaction, our destiny, our companionship, 
our supply, our success, our eternal peace.
He never created darkness or an interruption of good,
so we can experience only the joy of being.
God has made us magnificent, harmonious, perfect. Hooray!
Our true source is the eternal God, good. 
I rejoice
Praise the Lord!

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Meekness isn’t wimpy
March 17, 2025

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