Severe abdominal pain healed

I’d like to share a healing that is very meaningful to me, in the hope that it will bless others.

Several years ago I was awakened by severe abdominal pain. It was alarming, as I had never experienced this type of pain before. But I had decades of experience successfully relying on Christian Science for healing a wide variety of ills, and I knew I could turn to it in this situation. In an effort to get more comfortable so I could think more clearly, I made my way to a chair in our bedroom to pray. Feeling the need for immediate support, I asked my wife to call a Christian Science practitioner, and even though it was the middle of the night, the practitioner promptly started praying for me, as did my wife.

Meanwhile, the symptoms got worse, and I was afraid I might be passing on. I found myself being bombarded by fearful thoughts that were distracting me and keeping me from thinking clearly. Then I remembered something I had heard the day before at a Christian Science lecture. The lecturer had said that it was important not to get stuck in fear but to face it and turn trustingly to God. 

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March 3, 2025

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