Everyone can hear God’s song

I could acknowledge that God is communicating in a way that everyone hears.

I suddenly found myself plunged into a controversy so sharp and so distressing that for a time I was certain I’d found an exception to God’s law of all-powerful good. That is impossible, of course. Christian Science has helped me see that any seeming exception to divine law must be a lie, and lies must dissipate when exposed to the sunshine of Truth, God. To understand and experience that fact required me to discipline my thought to a degree I’d never achieved before. 

The controversy involved my discovery that a significant injustice to my family and me was underway, accompanied by apparent deception, willfulness, and slander. There seemed to be no way to stop—much less reverse—this state of affairs. Worse, its effects would fall most heavily on our children. 

The situation overwhelmed me. It dominated my thinking. I’d indulge in endless, futile, self-righteous arguments in my head that served only to stoke my ire and intensify my feeling of helplessness. I ruminated. I vented privately. I grew hypersuspicious. It was exhausting, and in my heart I knew it was wrong. But for a time, I resisted turning to God for help.

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The Story of Ruth
February 24, 2025

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