The Christ is always here to help

Even in dire circumstances, Christ, our Savior, is always present to bring healing to all who turn to it. 

The question comes up from time to time, “Why don’t Christian Scientists just see a doctor or take medication when they need healing?” In my case the answer is simple. I have more faith in God and His healing power, as demonstrated by Christ Jesus, than in any other means. 

Jesus was the man who most epitomized Christ, which Mary Baker Eddy defines as “the divine manifestation of God, which comes to the flesh to destroy incarnate error” (Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, p. 583). Spiritual healing, as Jesus practiced it, is still alive and active in the world today through the under-
standing of Christian Science.

I have come to rely on spiritual healing because I’ve found it most effective. Even in dire circumstances, Christ, our Savior, is always present to bring healing to all who turn to it. 

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Turning Points in Spiritual Growth
Healing and love in my life
January 9, 2023

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