Let’s go on an adventure

Charlie was mad. Everyone had to stay at home. He had to be quiet and leave his parents alone during the day when they were working. He loved playing video games on his computer, but he didn’t love that there wasn’t much else he could do. So many things were shut down because of the pandemic. He couldn’t go to school or play with his friends. 

The only time things felt OK was when his gran came over to be with him. His gran knew he was mad and tried to talk with him about God and God’s care for everybody—including Charlie. But all Charlie could think about was that there was nothing fun to do anymore. 

One day his gran asked if he wanted to go on an adventure. Charlie thought that sounded great. He wanted to do something fun. So his gran started to talk with him about what she called a “divine adventure.” She said he could leave right then. 

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