The Monitor gives me an opportunity to ask some deeper questions, and to do it in a way that leaves readers with a collection of facts and analyses that can edify, engender hope, instead of feeling overwhelmed or despairing.
O the summer borderstumbling with colors that never clash,cascading with diversity,originality, individuality,rich beyond human wealth,patterned beyond human art,rooted by rainand blossomed by suninto a symphony ofriotous bloom!
Whether we’re caught in a terrifying storm, facing some threatening illness, or serving in our country’s armed forces, the Golden Text from Deuteronomy in this week’s Bible Lesson, titled “God the Preserver of Man,” assures us that “the beloved of the Lord” are kept safe “all the day long”.
A number of years back, I was playing in a friendly inter-dorm volleyball game at the college for Christian Scientists, where I worked as a resident counselor.
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