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An invitation to healers
Your healing ministry is valuable and in demand. Mary Baker Eddy, who discovered Christian Science in 1866, explained to those in search of spiritual healing that she had seen so many incidents "which show that Christian Science meets a yearning of the human race for spirituality." Today, people are still asking, "How does Christian Science healing work? How can I heal?" The opportunity to heal and be healed has never been greater.
Mary Baker Eddy established a system of education to teach spiritual healing. The Manual of The Mother Church provides that Normal classes, to prepare teachers of Christian Science, be taught every third year. The next Normal class will be held in December 2003. Article XXIX, Section 2, states: "Loyal Christian Scientists' pupils who so desire may apply to the Board of Education for instruction; and if theyhave practised Christian Science healing successfully three years and will furnish evidence of their eligibility therefor, they are eligible to enter the Normal class. All members of this class must be thorough English scholars."
If you want to serve others, by teaching them how to heal, application forms are available for the December 2003 class. Please write to:
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September 15, 2003 issue
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A matter of life
Bettie Gray
with contributions from Dorothy Bledsoe, Doris Libey, Eleanor Lee, Miriam Dailey, Carolyn Hill
items of interest
with contributions from Imtiaz Muqbil, Linda K. Wertheimer, Mark Mcguire, Susan Williams
Suicide prevention—a spiritual approach
BY Beverly Goldsmith
An Iranian asks, 'Where is heaven?'
By Marta Greenwood
The God of the living
By Lyle Young
REVERENCE for LIFE—a call to prayer for child soldiers
Paco Garcia with contributions from Mayal Tshiabuila
The joy of walking the land again
By William Overlease
A day of hiking & healing
By Pamela Guthman Kissock
When parents have to say, 'No'
By Jean Burgdorff
Through a spiritual lens—MORNING CONTEMPLATION
Peter Anderson
Life is precious
By Dave Hohle
Saved from suicide
Elizabeth Brittain