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Guidance through Christ, not chronology
Right acts need to be performed at the right time or they may turn out to be worthless or even harmful. "A word spoken in due season, how good is it!" Prov. 15:23; says the writer of the book of Proverbs. Yet many of us can recall occasions when a good and helpful word spoken out of season has caused trouble, or when a good deed has turned out to be unwelcome because it was performed at an inappropriate moment. Clearly, wise guidance is needed if we are to act altogether wisely.
Timing has become a popular subject in the world today. Millions consult astrological diagrams, while others study biorhythm charts to determine whether certain days are likely to be propitious for their performance of certain acts.
Astrology has long sought to persuade us that the position of the stars is able to affect our human destiny, and to determine the success or failure of our actions. The more recently devised system of biorhythms rests on the belief that human beings are mechanical, subject to regular physical, emotional, and intellectual fluctuations. It claims to be able to help people to know when their minds and bodies will be at the peak of their strength and ability, and will therefore be most likely to be successful in any undertaking. Inspiration and divine guidance are excluded from the calculations in both cases. Charts are made on a purely mechanical basis on the superstitious assumption that man is mortal, born into matter on a certain date in time, and that he is wholly governed by physical forces beyond his control. These systems would reduce man to the status of a robot, functioning automatically and unthinkingly according to timetables produced, as it were, by a computer.
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July 10, 1978 issue
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Is radical reliance on God dangerous?
A misconception is always curable
True self-care
Jules Cern
Joyful persistence
Stupendous healing power
Prayer for myself
Carolyn Fay Ruffin
From the Directors
The Christian Science Board of Directors
A simple, usable rule
Geoffrey J. Barratt
Guidance through Christ, not chronology
Naomi Price
Angels on the boat
Amy Lynn Faulstich (written at age 9)
My favorite Bible verse
Courtenay Cassel (written at age 9)
While carrying our first child I made a major decision: to be a...
Mary Jane Schulze with contributions from Elaine M. Dyson
My first healing in Christian Science occurred over forty years...
Olive M. Lawrence
Since my first testimony of healing was published in The Christian Science Journal...
John L. Starrett
Over sixty years ago my mother had a beautiful healing of...
Thelma P. Idzal
Letters to the Press
with contributions from J. Buroughs Stokes