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Food Supplements Redundant
As we look over the grocery shelves of our local supermarket we see packets and cans and jars and bottles stacked high. Many of these are labeled so that it is easy to know the nutritional content of each item. And in case the homemaker calculates that her purchases lack some food element said by dieticians to be necessary to health, in another aisle there are probably more packets and bottles and jars—smaller ones—containing concentrated substances one can judiciously imbibe in prescribed quantities in addition to the regular food. Household marketing can thus become quite complicated—an exercise in mathematics.
Has the world forgotten Christ Jesus' admonition about food? He said, "Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink ..." Then he went on, "Is not the life more than meat ...?" Matt. 6:25; As we gather up our weekend groceries we may wonder how much progress we have made toward obedience to his admonition.
Christ Jesus' followers ate normal food according to the customs of their time. The Master gave them bread and fish to satisfy their hunger. He himself had existed in the wilderness for forty days and nights with nothing to eat. He had proved that he himself was not really dependent on food at all for health and strength. After this period of fasting the Master was hungry, but he resisted the temptation to use his God-given power to satisfy his physical craving for bread. He said to the tempter, "It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God." 4:4 ; And he proved what we will eventually be ready to prove—that God's "every word," the message of spiritual being created and sustained by divine Principle, was adequate to keep him fit and strong without eating material food.
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December 12, 1977 issue
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Christian Science Is No Placebo
Nothingness Is Powerless to Resist Somethingness
Dethrone That Tyrant, Time!
Dividing That Unifies
The Gift That Keeps On Giving
Paul Douglas White
Lost? Not Really!
Baron J. Woodward
"Julia Is a Christian Scientist"
Julia Bea Rissler
Developing the Might of Science
Geoffrey J. Barratt
Food Supplements Redundant
Naomi Price
My war testimony was published in The Christian Science Journal...
Flint Lewis Townsend
With a heart full of gratitude...
Flora Augusta Hardt
In Psalms we read (36:7), "How excellent is thy lovingkindness,...
Charlotte Lonzar
During the years I have studied Christian Science, our family...
Mary K. Matthies with contributions from Mary E. Somers