Christian Science has always...

Christian Science has always been the way of Life to me for I entered Sunday School in the youngest class and now look back on a happy harmonious life always under God's government and guidance. I was young when I decided to marry, and when my mother asked if I was sure this marriage was right for me, I answered Yes. But I was awakened to seek God's guidance. So I opened Science and Health by Mrs. Eddy, knowing that I would receive the right answer.

What I read confirmed me in my decision, and now, over thirty years later, I wish to express gratitude for a happy marriage and for two children reared in Christian Science and for five grandchildren, some of whom are attending, and others of whom will attend, the Christian Science Sunday School. For Christian Science is the greatest blessing and heritage we can give our children.

One of the early experiences I look back on as a stepping-stone occurred when I was using a wringer-type washing machine. My hand caught in the wringer and went in almost to the wrist. As it did, clearly to my thought came the message, "Fear not," and I added, "'For thou art with me'" (Ps. 23:4). I released the wringer and withdrew my hand. Except for feeling as if someone had given me a very hard handshake, I felt no other effect, and I went on with the washing.

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Testimony of Healing
I began attending a Christian Science Sunday School...
January 1, 1966

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