human relationships pattern the divine, they are wholly mortal and temporal, as opposed to the immortal, eternal substance of that spiritual relationship, or unity, which exists between God and His idea, man, this spiritual relationship being the standard by which to judge the soundness of the relations between individuals.
it is true that there is direction in the Bible which if used or applied will solve every human problem, yet we have no record in modern times where any individual was able to apply the Bible teachings to his problems with sufficient thoroughness to enable him to formulate a method whereby any one might demonstrate the truth, until Mrs.
story of the healing of blind Bartimæus recorded in the gospel of Mark cannot fail to interest the student of Christian Science to-day, for it illustrates the mental qualities that helped Bartimæus to overcome the difficulties that beset him when he appealed to Jesus for healing.
medical schools one often hears the saying: "Prevention is better than cure," and many preventive material remedies are being invented and used against certain disease germs.
one is endeavoring to become a Christian Scientist worthy the name, it soon becomes apparent that each thought must be carefully weighed, and although this process may presently become so natural that it is accomplished in many instances without conscious effort, still each day affords opportunity to use the knowledge already attained, and compels the student to gain more if he would solve the advanced problems in the right way.
In the fall of 1912 I attended a Wednesday evening meeting in a Christian Science church for the first time, and I loved the service and immediately got a copy of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy.
After hearing and reading so many wonderful testimonies of healing through Christian Science, I feel that I have neglected my duty in not giving mine, thereby expressing my gratitude to our revered Leader, Mrs.
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