It is with the deepest sense of gratitude that I give testimony...

It is with the deepest sense of gratitude that I give testimony to what Christian Science has done for me.

It found me in the greatest need, seemingly without friends and with the desire for liquor so fixed upon me that I imagined I could not go past a saloon without entering it for a few drinks. I thought I could not go to sleep without a drink, nor be fully awake without another. I used tobacco to excess and delighted in putting four or five of the so-called best grades together in the belief that I had discovered the best blend, to the extent that I would invite my friends in to enjoy this belief with me. It took about one year for the desire for liquor to leave, and a few months afterwards the desire for tobacco left me while reading "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs. Eddy. I smoked two or three packages of cigarettes a day at that time. Only those who know me personally can appreciate in part my gratitude. I was sincere from the start and progressed slowly but steadily. It is three years since these wrong desires were overcome, and I now live trying to do unto others as I would have them do unto me.

I owe all I have to Christian Science and in appreciation of it have given my services to our Government. I have been received into Seventh Church of Christ, Scientist, of Chicago and have been favored and blessed by having had class instruction. My prayer is that I may be a credit to my country and to all peoples.

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Testimony of Healing
A few months ago I met with a very serious accident,...
December 7, 1918

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