Christian Scientists
are very grateful to-day for the inestimable benefits they have gained from the careful study of the interpretative writings of their Leader, Mrs.
in the silence of this quiet room,All undisturbed, with Love I find my wayThrough paths of danger and through nights of gloom,Far out into God's sun-filled, perfect day.
Humanity is so unaccustomed, indeed so unable, to think metaphysically that it permits the evidence of facts, under its very eyes, either to escape it entirely, or else it is guilty of misconstruing it.
For a revivalist to state that Christian Science is "ninety-one per cent humbug" and to classify it with "Hindooism," shows his ignorance of this particular subject, as well as his utter disregard for the opinions and convictions of an ever increasing multitude of intelligent people who are finding their salvation in Christian Science.
Christian Scientists know that divine Love alone blesses and saves; that prejudice, misrepresentation, attack, only divide, inflame, and distract Christians from "the race that is set before us,"—namely, to be more Godlike.
The review of a book on mental healing in the Register, apparently for the reason that it was supposed to give an accurate explanation of Christian Science healing, was gratifying, even though the supposition was not correct.
are not surprised in these days when we hear that some one who was reported dead is alive, and we can easily guess the well-nigh overwhelming joy of those most concerned individually in such cases.
The First Church of Christ, Scientist, Boston, Massachusetts, announces a free public lecture on Christian Science by Frank Bell, a member of The Christian Science Board of Lectureship, in the church edifice, Norway, Falmouth, and St.
Lecture notices can be printed in a particular number of the Sentinel when they reach the editorial department twelve days preceding its date of publication.
It is due to Christian Science that I should give public testimony to the many benefits which I have derived from its teachings, and I gladly and gratefully do so.
About eighteen years ago, when discussing religion with a gentleman who had lived for some time in Canada, some of the truths of Christian Science were brought to my notice without, however, being spoken of as the teachings of Christian Science.
Having received so many blessings from Christian Science, and so much help from the testimonies in the Journal and Sentinel, I am writing this in the hope that I in turn may be the means of helping others.
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