The New York State Barge Canal, which will be opened to navigation between Buffalo and Albany this month, is one of the world's great engineering feats.
we hear of opposition to the Christian Science "organization," as some are pleased to call it, and when we do we are led to wonder if those who object to organization have deeply considered the question, or whether they have been carried along by a mesmeric wave of aggressive suggestion.
As the divine Mind necessarily contains the complete fulfilment of its purpose respecting the divine ideas, it is essential for the appearing of God's kingdom on earth that this fulfilment should come to each individual consciousness.
no parable spoken by the Master is of such universal appeal, and therefore the subject of more frequent reference, than that of the prodigal son.
is no doubt that the great majority of those who now call themselves Christian Scientists were first attracted to this truth by the hope that they might through its ministrations be relieved of physical suffering, and very few ever expected to get any other benefit.
first he saw made manifestThat by obedience man is blest,Yussuf Ben Orem also sawOne more requirement in God's law:Obedience lights the altar fires,Yet sacrifice the law requires.
Sharp criticisms that appeared in local papers on the lecture delivered on the subject of Christian Science supply a somewhat amusing topic of conversation to those who are not interested in religious matters.
Our critic contends that because Christian Scientists have not demonstrated the ultimate possibilities of their religion, Christian Science is thereby proved false.
A communication from a critic states that from his point of view Christian Scientists are "in the dark" concerning how mind acts upon matter, and that he considers the word Science in the term "Christian Science" not a good word to use.
When it is said that "the minister spoke on Christian Science from a Bible standpoint," what is doubtless meant is that he spoke from the standpoint of his own personal interpretation of the Bible.
The account of creation depicted in the second and third chapters of Genesis undoubtedly is not a history of the true creation or of the creation of God, Spirit, outlined in the first chapter.
Christian Scientists are always pleased when the need of a more practical application of Christian teaching is noted, as was done by a recent contributor.
persistent effort at this particular time seems to be so to engross Christian Scientists in war news and war preparations as to render them perfunctory in their scientific study and work.
of that strange masterful time when the Dutch, the Spanish, and the English were contending for the riches of the newly discovered Western Hemisphere, there arose the word filibuster.
That "man's extremity is God's opportunity" was proven to me several years ago, when, in despair of ever regaining my health, I began to read Science and Health, and was healed almost instantaneously of serious rectal trouble of six years' standing.
Carrie Lee Poole
with contributions from Thomas B. Poole
On both sides of my family tubercular disease was said to be hereditary, and so embedded in my thought was the fear of this trouble that, in the words of Job, "the thing which I greatly feared" came upon me.
It is over five years since I became interested in Christian Science, and in that time so many discordant conditions have been overcome that my heart is filled with thankfulness to God, and with gratitude to our revered Leader, Mrs.
Josef Le Maire
with contributions from Frida Le Maire
This testimony is given with the hope that it will brighten the outlook for some suffering heart, as testimonies of a similar nature have brightened mine.
It is because I have many times been benefited physically and spiritually by reading the testimonies of healing in the Sentinel and Journal, that I send my offering with the hope that it may help some one.
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