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The Christian Science text-book, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by our Leader, Mrs. Eddy, is certainly answering the prayers of this age, and teaching hungry hearts what they have all their lives longed to know about God. The illumination which this book has thrown upon the Bible for me, is like that of a great spiritual searchlight, revealing the priceless truths contained therein and bringing them out one by one in their practical value, thus meeting every human need in sickness and in health. Especially comforting and helpful to me has been the revelation in Science and Health of God as both Father and Mother of all; an idea which is all-inclusive and all-satisfying, and which therefore expresses completeness.
Only those who have been motherless from early childhood can know the weary heartaches and empty longings for some one to whom I could turn when in trouble or pain, which I experienced before I began the study of Science and Health. With this new thought of God came a peace and sense of security which no words can express. It filled all the empty places with divine Love, and gave me a new apprehension of the overshadowing power of God. Did this new and broader vision make any the less precious the truth that God is our heavenly Father also? No; on the contrary, it increased my reverence and adoration for the Father of whom Jesus taught.
It is something after this manner that my need was met by Mrs. Eddy's interpretation of the Lord's Prayer, as given on page 16 of Science and Health. When trials arise and courage is needed, or when in need of wisdom, strength, and ability to withstand evil, disease, discouragement, etc.,—when in need of the masculine qualities, so to speak,—then it is that with infinite confidence and trust I can turn to our heavenly Father, whose fulness is reflected in His child,—His image. Fear flees; weakness, doubt, and distrust of one's ability to fulfil all righteousness vanishes before an earnest contemplation of the fatherhood of God, and therefore of the true nature and infinite resources of His child. Thus one's strength becomes as "the strength of ten."
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March 11, 1905 issue
View Issue-
The Seed of Error
Victory over Drink
Appreciated Congratulations
with contributions from Mary Baker Eddy, Ada G. White
Among the Churches
with contributions from F. M. M., George Miller, Beatrice W. Kinnear
The Lectures
with contributions from Henry Wilder Foote, John McLennan
An Interesting Symposium
Editor, Mary Baker G. Eddy
Mrs. Eddy in Good Health
with contributions from Mary Baker G. Eddy, Archibald McLellan
Letters to our Leader
with contributions from Margaret C. Hall, Mary Scobey Chamberlain, Hilda Hellgren, Annie Rode, Anna M. Campbell, Jessie Lay
Six years ago last September, I was feeling very despondent,...
Robert Francis French
It is not easy to explain to myself why I have so long...
S. C. Ramsdell
I have felt for some time I should...
L. C. Snedaker
I first heard of Christian Science from a dear neighbor...
B. Rastatter-Kagi
Last January, I sought Christian Science treatment for...
Mary E. Atkins
I want to state that I did not come to Christian Science...
Virginia Taylor
The sentinel at the post of duty reminds me of negligence...
J. Franklin Jones
I have felt for some time that I should like to tell of...
Fannie E. Willett
On arriving at my daily work one morning, I seemed to be...
Mary Alexander
I would like to relate a proof of the power of Love
Ida Pinkers-Boller
I am writing this to let others know how Science has...
Cecil C. Connett with contributions from Anon
From our Exchanges
with contributions from Charles F. Dole, J. W. Dawson, E. M. Martinson
with contributions from Stephen A. Chase