All who do not take medicine are by no means Christian Scientists

Muncie (Ind.) Star

All who do not take medicine are by no means Christian Scientists. Healing as taught in Christian Science is practised upon the basis of moral regeneration which results in physical harmony. For, if "by sin came death," by sin must have come those accessories and preliminaries of death called diseases. As these are but effects, neither dieting nor fasting will change them until the producing cause is removed. It is the province of Christian Science to lift man higher in the scale of being, first morally, and as a result physically, and in this process of transformation its practitioners find laws of health, material remedies, physical culture and dieting to be hindrances rather than helps, and they very naturally have recourse to none of these in their system of treatment.

R. Stanhope Easterday. Muncie (Ind.) Star.

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