of 7,642 human lives is the record of the twentythree great shipwrecks of the nineteenth century, and this is but a small fraction of the total mortality through accident at sea.
editor the Helena Evening Herald of July 29, 1901, very forcibly and ably forcibly and ably descants upon the spirit manifested by certain of the local clergy who have recently been declaiming against Christian Science in Helena.
publish herewith an extract from the August, 1901, number of the Tidings, published by the Woman's Baptist Home Mission, headquarters at 2411 Indiana Ave.
The Rockland Opinion in its issue of July 12, published the following account of the opening of new quarters by the Christian Scientists in that city:—
work of the Arnold Arboretum is of sufficient national importance to justify its friends in appealing to all Americans who care for trees, forests, and gardens, in whatever part of the United States they may reside, in behalf of a larger endowment for that institution.
my humble hall there hangs against the wallA fairer flower than summer garlands show,—A beautiful old face whose gentleness and graceBeam forth like winter flowers beside the snow.
I often think as we receive our Journal and Sentinel which come to us as welcome messengers, that as freely as we have received, as freely should we give, for if the testimonies of others supply our table with such heavenly manna, why should we not bring our basket which Christian Science has filled to overflowing?
It is now three years since I began to study Christian Science, and for some time I have wanted the Field to know what it has done for me and is doing for Hamburg, N Y.
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