Christian Science a most Effectual Remedy

We have found Christian Science of such value in overcoming both mental and physical difficulties, that I am glad to add my testimony to the many already given through your columns. We have used nothing but this method of treatment in our family for about four years, and having five children, it has been proved to us again and again that "Love never faileth." We have been able to overcome many errors through the understanding of Truth as gained from the study of the Bible and Science and Health. At other times, when error has confronted us in seemingly more alarming proportions, we have felt it necessary to telegraph for assistance to my teacher in Chicago, and it has always been quickly demonstrated to us that God, Life, Truth, Love, the only Healer, is omnipresent and omnipotent. We have had colds, fevers, measles, in quite severe manifestations to combat, but they have been quickly routed by Truth.

A case of croup, which was dispelled through a sense of the nearness of omnipotent Good, in the earliest months of the study of Science, was one proof of the efficacy of this system in an emergency. One of the children awoke one night gasping for breath in that belief which is such a frightful one to a mother. It seemed to demand such instant relief and we were such beginners in Science that thought turned to the remedies before used; then I felt that if God is ever-present He is here now, and turned right to Him as being Omnipotent. In a very few moments our little girl was quietly asleep, and has never had any manifestation of croup since, nor has it affected any others of the children, although we have had some struggles against its symptoms. We find much to overcome, but we do feel that we shall be transformed through the renewing of our mind, and there is certainly every encouragement to press on with such a wise and loving Leader as Mrs. Eddy and the constant helps received from our publications.

Living as we do at a small station where there are no other Scientists, the nearest being in Missoula twenty-seven miles away, we do greatly appreciate all the Mother's works as well as the publications issued by the Publishing Society.

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Testimony of Healing
How the Light Dispels the Darkness
June 20, 1901

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