Health and Happiness due to Christian Science

All the health and happiness that I enjoy to-day, is due to the Truth as taught us in "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures." The Bible was a sealed book to me previous to entering Christian Science. To mortal sense, I was the victim of many troubles, one being the fear of death; but that fear has been entirely destroyed.

I have had many beautiful demonstrations, some of which I will relate. Before I speak of them, I wish to say to those who feel a sense of discouragement when errors do not readily yield, Press on, trust in God, and know that He is an ever-present help.

A case that was brought to me seemed a mountain to remove, and as I thought I was too young a student, I gave it to another. But after a number of treatments, with no seeming improvement, the case came to me again, and with the first treatment the diseases began to disappear Then it was made plain to me, that I should try at least, whenever asked, no matter how difficult the error might seem.

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Testimony of Healing
Proofs of the Power of Divine Mind
May 30, 1901

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