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A Little Child shall Lead Them
In the message to the Mother Church, June, 1900, our Leader says, "A child can measurably understand Christian Science, for, through his simple faith and purity, he takes in its spiritual sense that puzzles the man. The child not only accepts Christian Science more readily than the adult, but he practises it."
Teachers in Christian Science Sunday Schools can tell of questions answered in a marvelously clear and scientific way. Who could give a better answer to the question of "What is Truth?" than "Always the real thing." Well may we stop and consider this definition of Christian Science: "Doing the things that Jesus did." This answer will make the most of us ponder if we are, or if we are trying to be, Christian Scientists. At one time the Golden Rule was under discussion, not only the doing unto others, as we would that they should do unto us, but the thinking unto others. A mighty sermon was preached in the remark, "We should think of others as God thinks of us." Should not this be published abroad to show how the little child thought is leading, as well as teaching us? In one of our lessons the superintendent of a Christian Science Sunday School asked if any one could tell her what this passage of Scripture meant: "having done all, to stand." A little hand was lifted, and with the voice of Wisdom, a child made answer, "If you know how to do, do it." Farther on in the lesson the expression was brought out, that having on the breastplate of righteousness, meant having God with you every instant.
These children use their Science not only in illness and accidents, but in their play and school work, thus proving all that Mrs. Eddy says of them. Should not great gratitude be felt and expressed to her who has revealed this Way so simple that His little ones are first to follow? Jesus said, "Except ye turn, and become as little children, ye shall in no wise enter into the kingdom of heaven" (Matthew, 18 : 3, R. V.). In the next verse we are told to humble ourselves as a little child. Our Leader says in "Miscellaneous Writings," p. 110, "Beloved children: The world has need of you,—and more as children than as men and women: it needs your innocence, unselfishness, faithful affection, uncontaminated lives. You need also to watch and pray that you preserve these virtues unstained, and lose them not through contact with the world. What grander ambition is there than to maintain in yourselves what Jesus loved, and to know that your example, more than words, makes morals for mankind!"
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May 23, 1901 issue
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The Lectures
with contributions from Eugene Miller, Abbot Edes Smith, E. G. Smith, N. C. Dougherty, Smith D. Atkins, W. B. Smith
It is not correctness of opinion that constitutes rightness,...
George MacDonald
Mrs. Eddy's Successor
Editor with contributions from Mary Baker G. Eddy
Pertinent Testimony
What Christian Science Means
Among the Churches
with contributions from Ruth Brown
Whence Comes the Spring?
Bliss Carman
A Definition of Religion.
E. E. Slosson
BY I. F. M.
Separating the True from the False
A Little Child shall Lead Them
Unveiling the Statue
BY G. ST.L. P.
BY A. C. S.
A Postal Clerk's Testimony
Allen T. Nibbs
Effects of Accident Quickly Overcome
C. W. C.
Astigmatism and other Troubles Healed
Mae Blanchard
Found the Pearl of Great Price
E. M. W.
Every minute is a to-morrow to the minute that goes...
George MacDonald