recent action of the State of California in appropriating $250,000 to purchase a tract of redwood forest near Santa Cruz for a public reservation has aroused interest in every part of the country, perhaps nowhere more than in this city, where for years an intelligent body of treelovers have urged the necessity of some such step if any part of the redwood lands was to be preserved to future generations in its original glory.
To the Editor of The News and Courier:— Your issue of the 7th inst, gives publicity to certain editorial comments of the New york Evening Sun in reference to Christian Science.
As the water lily reveals its matchless beauty upon the surface of the stagnant pool and finds its beginnings in the unsightly mud beneath, so out of the depths of an era of moral debasement has not infrequently sprung the most fragrant blossomings of spiritual aspiration.
day in passing through our garden we plucked some seeds from a morning glory vine, carried them over to the side of our summer house, and planted them in the ground.
seven years I have been enjoying the benefit of the demonstrations given in the Journal without to the Field my sincere gratitude for them and for the helpful articles in both Journal and Sentinel.
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