Helped by a Little Child's Faith

The article "A Child's Faith Rewarded," which appeared in the Sentinel of January 3, reminds me of the beautiful work our little ones do. I was so quickly helped by my little eight-year-old Ruth during the Galveston storm of September last, that I can appreciate just what is meant by the Scripture, "And a little child shall lead them." About 9.30 or 10 p.m., when the storm was at its height and our home was floating in eleven feet of water and we were upstairs in the only dry room, I seemed for a moment to be anxious and awoke the children, and asked my husband to take one in his arms, and I took the other, so that if the house (which was rocking like a cradle) tipped over, we would have them with us. I kissed Ruth, and said to her, "Now we must all be brave," but I soon realized who was the brave one, for with her bright little eyes looking into mine she said, "Mamma, you know there is no separation in divine Mind and God is caring for us, so this house will never go over." Tears of joy rolled down our cheeks, for the fear was cast out. I simply said, "No, my little girl, we will not go over."

In a few minutes both the children and my husband were in bed and asleep, and I was reading the Bible and Science and Health, with "that peace of God, which passeth all understanding." In an hour's time the water was receding and the storm about over. Words can never tell how grateful I am to God and Mrs. Eddy for this blessed Truth, that even our little ones can understand. This is only one of the many blessings that I have to be thankful for in Christian Science.

Mrs. Gussie M. Williams, Chicago, Ill.

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Testimony of Healing
Sight Restored through Christian Science
March 21, 1901

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