the minute planet discovered by De Witt of Berlin, August 13, 1898, returned to view last September, after completing the cycle of visible positions it offered then, and is about to be lost to view again.
following letter was republished from the Weekly Chronicle in a recent number of the London Daily Mail, and kindly sent us from London by a Christian Scientist.
The dedication exercises of the new church edifice at the corner of Ninth and North Streets of First Church of Christ, Scientist, of Logansport, occurred yesterday.
the first Epistle general of Peter "an apostle of Jesus Christ, to the strangers [those "chosen" of God, who had been dispersed by persecution] scattered throughout Pontus," etc.
Rudyard Kipling's Victorian Ode, entitled, "Recessional," each verse has the refrain, "Lest we forget—lest we forget!" Lest we forget from whence we came,—lest we forget whither we are tending in our journey from sense to Soul!
My husband had, for years, been a sufferer from rheumatism and its attendants, kidney and heart trouble; the latter so pronounced that he was unable to walk a single block with ease.
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