Colonel Ingersoll,
in his recent lecture in Boston on the subject of Superstition, among many other brilliant things, said: "Superstition is to believe without evidence, to explain one mystery with another, to disregard the real relation between cause and effect, to believe that matter was created by mind, to trust in miracles, charms, and dreams.
historic church located at Dearborn Avenue and Walton Place on the North Side, Chicago, has been purchased by Christian Scientists, and will be occupied by the Second Church of Christ, Scientist, of Chicago.
First Church of Christ, Scientist, dedicated its new church building at 924 East Superior Street, November 6 at 11 o'clock, and two hundred and fifty people, about the seating capacity of the church, gathered to hear the dedication services, which were performed in accordance with the forms of the Christian Science belief.
I am
of Norwegian parentage and was raised a Lutheran of the strictest kind, and lived in a large Norwegian settlement where the English language was spoken very rarely.
The Wednesday experience meeting for subjects of general interest pertaining to Christian Science, as well as personal experience, is now called the Wednesday Evening Meeting.
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