Recently there appeared in the Western Farm Life an...

Western Farm Life

Recently there appeared in the Western Farm Life an article on faith healing. The term "faith healing" requires explanation. Writers should state just what they mean by their use of the term.

Some writers refer to Christian Science as faith healing. Christian Science is far more than that. Faith may be blind, void of understanding. It may be little more than a wish or desire. Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, explained very clearly the Christian Scientist's understanding of faith when she wrote (Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, p. 1): "The prayer that reforms the sinner and heals the sick is an absolute faith that all things are possible to God,—a spiritual understanding of Him, an unselfed love." The faith that heals is that faith which has grown into spiritual understanding. Nor does one need to feel that Christian Science will not aid him because he has no understanding of it, for does not he have the Bible promise, "My grace is sufficient for thee"? If men would but turn to God for aid, whatever may be their problem, they would find that God will give them spiritual understanding, and that spiritual understanding will give them dominion over the human thought-conditions manifesting themselves in the guise of bad business, discouragement, sin, or sickness.

The writer of the article said that if God healed everyone who prayed to Him, sanitation would soon be neglected, and careful living would mean nothing. Quite the reverse is true. Sanitation is the result of the desire for clean, wholesome surroundings and conditions. Clean, wholesome thinking demands clean, orderly, and sanitary environments. The same is true of careful living.

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