The article headed "About Quacks," in a recent issue of...

The Providence (R.I.) Visitor

The article headed "About Quacks," in a recent issue of your paper, in quoting certain statements of a physician as they appeared in an issue of America, after mentioning certain questionable methods of treating desease, states that "even Christian Science and homeopathy are profound wisdom in comparison to their vagaries." That no doubt is true, although Christian Science is not in any way associated with homeopathy. But when farther on in the article reference is made to the success of Christian Science in the healing of disease and an attempt is made to explain the unparalleled growth of Christian Science, the writer seems to get things fairly well mixed up.

Massage does not in any way enter into the treatment of a Christian Scientist; nor is the faith of the patient in the ability of the practitioner a factor in the healing process. True Christian Science healing, which is understood by an authorized Christian Science practitioner, is based entirely upon the teachings of Christ Jesus, and is the operation of divine law — a law as fixed as what the world is pleased to call astronomical law. It is that truth to which Jesus referred, the application of which determines one's discipleship: "If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed; and ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." The word mother is never used in speaking of Mrs. Eddy; and was used only by those who were closely associated with her in her great work, and in the same sense as one would use the word father or brother.

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February 16, 1918

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