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Sentinel Radio Edition
August 29, 2009
Back to school—taking off the labels - Program 935
Guests: Susan Mack, Erich Marthaler, Enid Gorman
It's back to school time in much of the world, and with it come wonderful possibilities. But what about students who’ve been labeled with some deficiency in learning or behavior? There's a big difference between the way others may see them and the way God sees them. A Biblical view of each one's identity as made in God’s likeness can help remove these limitations.
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Sentinel Radio Edition
Your God-given purpose - Program 925
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Children and spiritual healthcare - Program 926
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Relationships and dating - Program 927
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Christian Science Reading Rooms—Open doors around the world - Program 928
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“Beauty is a thing of life” - Program 929
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Where can I find the truth? - Program 930
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Living in the now - Program 931
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News alert—Prayer alert - Program 932
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Christian Science healing today and always - Program 933
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Consumerism—finding a balance - Program 934
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Alive with “vigor, freshness, and promise” - Program 936
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Healing addiction - Program 937
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Why forgive? - Program 938
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Debt—There is a way out - Program 939
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What really heals? - Program 940
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Flu-proof health - Program 941
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What’s your model for living? - Program 942
Sentinel Radio Edition
Healing answers to domestic violence - Program 943
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Looking for work? Let divine Love take the lead - Program 944
Sentinel Radio Edition
Responding to natural disasters - Program 945