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Sentinel Radio Edition
August 26, 2006
What happens when we put our thought strongly on the side of Spirit? - Program 635
Guests: Beverly DeWindt, Mary Mona Fisher
What happens when the focus of your thought is on the power and love of God instead of on a problem you’re facing? It may seem hard not to give all your attention to the problem, not to keep thinking about it in an attempt to resolve it. And yet preoccupation with our troubles often tends to build them up, to make them seem even more formidable—and the solution farther away. Hear from people who struggled with serious troubles and found healing through turning to God in prayer and away from the problem.
Enjoy 1 free Sentinel article or audio program each month, including content from 1898 to today.
Sentinel Radio Edition
100% honesty and the difference it makes in our lives - Program 625
Sentinel Radio Edition
Illuminating answers to important questions on prayer and consciousness - Program 626
Sentinel Radio Edition
Find more than a job—find your purpose - Program 627
Sentinel Radio Edition
You can break free from the grip of depression - Program 628
Sentinel Radio Edition
The natural world—lifting the heart, and pointing to God - Program 629
Sentinel Radio Edition
Nothing is impossible to God - Program 630
Sentinel Radio Edition
In a tough spot? Keep your focus on God for the solution - Program 631
Sentinel Radio Edition
Freedom from worry - Program 632
Sentinel Radio Edition
Creativity—inspiration from a higher source - Program 633
Sentinel Radio Edition
Love so powerful it heals - Program 634
Sentinel Radio Edition
Living in the love of God - Program 636
Sentinel Radio Edition
Countering terrorism on the front lines of your own thought - Program 637
Sentinel Radio Edition
Safe travel: We’re never disconnected from the presence of God - Program 638
Sentinel Radio Edition
God’s children—never identified with disease or sin - Program 639
Sentinel Radio Edition
Stress-free, the spiritual way - Program 640
Sentinel Radio Edition
What is the connection between purity and health? - Program 641
Sentinel Radio Edition
Getting to the heart of prayer—its purpose and effects - Program 642
Sentinel Radio Edition
God’s protective power—ours to utilize wherever we are - Program 643
Sentinel Radio Edition
A higher source for parenting - Program 644
Sentinel Radio Edition
Essential qualities for extraordinary relationships - Program 645