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No anxious thought

When we lean on God and yield to divine Love’s supremacy and care, we increasingly find that we can rejoice rather than worry.
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Understanding my identity as the perfect reflection of Spirit, God, corrected the belief that I lived in a flawed, material body, and healing resulted.
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to the lost sheep

the Mother enthroned looks
outward ever hopeful
expecting … 
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How I Found Christian Science

Three magazines

I subscribed to the Christian Science periodicals. These gems arrived weekly and monthly, bringing answers, hope, solutions, love, and the truths I needed.
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Kids' Video

Nehemiah's story

Nehemiah’s story is all about how we can pray, listen to and follow God.
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Testimony of Healing
I realized that not thinking about something is very different from knowing that it was not caused by or known to God, infinite Love, and so was unreal in the first place.
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Testimony of Healing
The fear and frustration I had been feeling were replaced with the truth of my being—total harmony, including health.
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Testimony of Healing
I love reading the Bible and the Christian Science textbook. They address every possible challenge we can face, individually and collectively.
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Bible Lens

God the Preserver of Man

God’s nearness is assured by His frequent guarantee “I am with you.”
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Letters & Conversations

We love hearing from readers. Here’s the conversation this week.
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