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Turning points in spiritual growth 
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Christian Science Sentinel—Audio Chat
There are no walls of material belief that Love does not dissolve, no obstructions Love cannot remove.
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God is speaking to all of His children directly.
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Declarations of God’s oneness and allness are found from the beginning to the end of Scripture.
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Image and Inspiration

He that has made my heaven secure

<div class="inline-quote"> &lt;div class="inline-quote"&gt; &lt;p&gt;He that has made my heaven secure, &lt;br&gt;   Will here all good provide; &lt;br&gt;While Christ is rich, can I be poor?
Turning Points in Spiritual Growth
Just before I turned 15, my brother, Richard.
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Two teacher friends I know, Todd and Jeff, enjoyed hanging out together, but they were also competitive and often played creative tricks on each other.
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Bible Lens
Testimony of Healing

Abdominal pain ends

I had a healing that was very significant to me.
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Testimony of Healing

Normal breathing restored

When our daughter was first born, she occasionally had difficulty breathing.
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Testimony of Healing

Pneumonia healed

While growing up in a suburb of Chicago, I was raised in an orthodox Christian church.
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'To Bless All Mankind'
Is progress an illusion, a blip of hope before the next catastrophe strikes?
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'To Bless All Mankind'
It’s natural to look for signs of progress.
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You embody infinite wisdom, love, beauty, insightfulness, and this makes you perfectly fitted to heal.
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