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Depression overcome
This testimony first appeared in the July 2014 Portuguese, Spanish, French, and German issues of The Herald of Christian Science. It was adapted from an El Heraldo de la Ciencia Cristiana radio program titled “Una salida para la depresión” (A way out of depression).
My father passed away six years ago, and I was very distraught. I was so disheartened that I didn’t even want to get out of bed.
As a student of Christian Science, I’ve learned that sadness doesn’t belong to God’s children, so I didn’t accept that depressed state of mind. I realized I needed to understand that although my dad wasn’t physically present, he, like all of us, is a spiritual idea of the infinite Mind, God, and an idea cannot die.
I called a Christian Science practitioner and asked her to help me better understand this spiritual truth through prayer. She recommended some readings from Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. At first I was reluctant to read anything. So my children read those passages to me, along with the Christian Science weekly Bible Lesson, which is composed of citations from the Bible and Science and Health. This study prepares us spiritually to overcome challenges and helps us keep our thought in line with God, in communion with Him.
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August 25, 2014 issue
View Issue-
Diane, David Kingsman, Sandi, Marie Jureit-Beamish, Brett L. Stafford
Demystifying healing
Kari Mashos
No separation from God
Kendra Nordin
To exercise spiritual sense
Kathleen Chicoine
Discovering our true worth
Lynn Holmgren
"Keep yourselves busy with divine Love. ..."
Photograph by Jef Scoville
An invitation
The Editors
The viewpoint—and the view
Deanna Mummert
An unmistakable message
Bernard John Edwards
Ascending in thought
Courtlyn Reekstin
Depression overcome
Susana Beatriz Rivarola de Vidal
Complete recovery from injury
Julie Lemmon
Quick healing after fall
Jane Rausch
Swift recovery from injury
Michael Post
No drought in Mind
David C. Kennedy