"thought" Webster says that it is "a mental state chiefly characterized by a process of reflection;" and he draws a clear line of demarcation between actual thought and its counterfeit, the mortal, mental modus, in the explanation that it is "mental concentration on ideas as distinguished from sense perception or emotions.
A lover
of flowers, having occasion to pass daily through a park on the way to business, observed in the early spring days the first promise of growth appearing in a bed of tulips.
studying the textbook of Christian Science, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, we can often obtain great help and illumination from the marginal headings.
I talked with God when morning brokeAnd birds their matins sang, the leaves among;And, in that sweet communion, my heart caughtA clear reflection of the radiant morn,And worshiped, with all nature at His feet.
Clifford P. Smith, Committee on Publication for The Mother Church,
Many people have wondered why readers of newspapers are supposed to be interested in the unfavorable opinions of Christian Science which are expressed by some representatives of other religions.
R. F. Haskins, Committee on Publication for the State of Vermont,
While Christian Scientists appreciate the kindly tone of the ministerial conference in regard to their religion, as reported in a recent issue of your paper, yet they must object to having Christian Science put in the same category as New Thought or "mental science.
Albert W. Le Messurier, Committee on Publication for the Channel Islands,
Though a correspondent in a recent issue of your paper, in advancing his own viewpoint, rides roughshod over the viewpoints of all denominations, he seems to desire to get back to fundamental truths.
Theodore Burkhart, Committee on Publication for the State of Oregon,
Sin is, indeed, not a trifling matter, and I can agree with a correspondent of your paper when he says, "Every time we sin we make ourselves traitors to God and a soldier fighting in the devil's army.
joyful progress of Christ's kingdom is picturesquely described by the prophet Isaiah in a passage wherein he uses the familiar figure of the highway, or way, as the means whereby mankind may attain to a state of blessedness: "And an highway shall be there, and a way, and it shall be called The way of holiness.
Christ Jesus said, "Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest," surely he was referring to the sustaining and rest-giving power of the Christ, Truth.
As there is great need for additional Heralds on the continent of Europe, Christian Scientists who are unable to make use of their Heralds will be glad to know that they may instruct The Christian Science Publishing Society to place their subscriptions for these, or such part of the subscriptions as are unexpired, with our committees overseas.
A little more than four years ago my two sons and a nephew, then an eight-year-old member of our household, were sent home from school, because the nephew manifested evidences of diphtheria.
I had known of Christian Science for a number of years but did not think much of it as an everyday help, although many cases of healing had been brought to my notice.
It is a sacred privilege to testify to the truth of God's gracious promises to heal and save, which has come to me through the study of Christian Science.
In giving a testimony of the benefits experienced from Christian Science, it seems difficult to know where to begin, for it has done so much for me, and there is much that cannot be put into words.
Articles from members of The Mother Church and good testimonies from those healed by Christian Science are always welcomed for consideration by the Editors.
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