decree had gone forth in Babylon that for thirty days the king was to be the only God of the nation, and any one found going contrary thereto would be given to the lions.
many of us in the early study of Christian Science have been puzzled by the apparently disquieting statement in the ninth chapter of Proverbs, "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom"?
the neophyte in Christian Science, it is naturally difficult to accept the verity of its insistent declaration that all that is real is perfect and eternal.
human experience one often finds to-day, as did the patriarch Abraham, that the call comes to go out to a land that "I will shew thee," that we know not of.
When I was given up by skilled physicians, several years ago, a dear friend urged me to try Christian Science, which I did as a last resort, and found it most comforting from the first, and the best healing balm to mankind since Jesus was among men.
About five years ago I had my first Christian Science treatment, which resulted in a wonderful instantaneous healing of an ugly growth on my face, which I had given up hope of getting rid of as it had been removed several times and had reappeared.
A year after my father passed on, great financial losses occurred in our family, which brought me into an entirely new, unfamiliar life, a life of the most severe privations.
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