is sometimes surprising, even to the student of Christian Science, to find how belief in the reality of both good and evil permeates human thinking, even in what are considered its best aspects.
is unfortunately not confined solely to boys' schools, though it is usually looked upon as being the ill-treatment which boys sometimes receive at the hand of bigger and stronger ones.
Jesus said, "Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God," he was calling the world to Christian Science, to the understanding of pure metaphysics.
the extent that we rejoice in understanding Principle, we are delivered from the harrowing beliefs of envy, jealously, resentment, anger, self-pity, and the torment that always accompanies these false concepts of God's creation, as by rejoicing we approach in some degree the true vision of man seen by Jesus, which enabled him and his disciples to heal sickness and sin and raise the dead.
is sometimes a matter of wonderment that there are so many people who fail to realize how much of their lives is utterly wasted in trying to "get away from things.
great difficulty with the ordinary commentary on the Book of Revelation is that it will take a material instead of a spiritual view of the meaning of the writer.
with contributions from William C. Baker
About five years ago my son was thrown from a motor truck, falling face download on the track some fifteen or twenty feet away, and was seriously injured.
Inspired by a deep sense of gratitude for many and varied benefits received, first through the acceptance of Christian Science and later through the study and application of the truth gleaned, I am writing this testimony.
The unfoldment of good through the study of Christian Science, both as to better morals and better health, has indeed been a source of great blessing to me.
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