are living in an era of ever increasing liberality of conviction, when most men are disposed to recognize some values in well-nigh every phase of past and present belief.
influence of Christian Science upon the thinking of to-day has produced a revolutionary reaction concerning the controlling motives in human existence that is a saving grace to those who follow its divine leadings.
is the blessing of the verbal testimony that is given every Wednesday evening and on Thanksgiving Day in hundreds of Christian Science churches all over the world.
of the many fishermen who troll for salmon off the coast of southeastern Alaska had occasion to cross Chatham Straits during a very heavy fog and found it necessary to exercise every precaution in navigating his little craft that he might reach safely the protected harbor for which he had started.
the psalmist wrote, "Be still, and know that I am God," he certainly gave to his readers a tolerably clear warning to keep politics out of religion.
belief that the five physical senses are differentiated one from another by supposed human limits to their functions is a concept of hypothetical mortal mind and not the fact of being.
I have long delayed sending my testimony for publication in our periodicals, but now feel impelled to express my deepest thanks, in writing, for this spiritual truth, as revealed by our revered Leader, Mary Baker Eddy.
Henry D. Sarge
with contributions from Stella M. Sarge
Having been the recipient of so many blessings through Christian Science, and of so much benefit through reading the testimonies of others, I feel it my duty as well as my privilege to acknowledge publicly through the Sentinel my gratitude for these blessings.
I have been interested in Christian Science for several years, and during that time have had many healings, one of which I should like to relate, with the hope that it may benefit some one, as I have been benefited so often in reading the testimonies in the Christian Science periodicals.
While brooding over the ills of one I hold most dear, and seeming to see only discord, I picked up a copy of the Sentinel and began to read the article, "Loving chords.
With love and gratitude I testify to many blessings which have come to me through Christian Science, and will mention one in particular for the benefit of others.
Like others whose testimonies I have read in the Sentinel, I realize how much I have been helped by reading the testimonies in this periodical and now I desire to express my gratitude through the same channel.
Several times I have attempted to write a testimony for publication, but my healings, the outcome of applied Christian Science, have been numerous and varied, consequently, where to begin and where to end the testimony has been something of a problem.
Ernest L. Swenson
with contributions from Ernest L. Swenson
I feel I ought to write a testimony of healing in gratitude to God for all that Christian Science has done and is doing for me, both mentally and physically.
It is with a deep sense of gratitude for the many beautiful healings I have had mentally, physically, and financially, that I take this means of expressing in a very small way what the study and application of Christian Science have meant and are proving to me daily.
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