students and demonstrators of this great and wonderful practical truth, Christian Science, our real desires, efforts, and purposes are one, and that one is to gain an understanding of the truth that will make us free and enable us to work out our own salvation in the way appointed, and there is no other way.
is very interesting to note how in the Old Testament Pentecost was held in commemoration of the children of Israel being delivered from servitude to the Egyptians and of the freedom they experienced through reaping the fruits of their labors, which culminated in the gift of the law obtained by Moses, who, having seen sufficiently clearly, received the truth and gave to their waking thought the guidance from God.
those who have settled down with the fatalistic acceptance of old-age beliefs, Christian Science comes with the glad assurance that the stagnation and loss of normal faculties that are considered an accompaniment of advanced years can be overcome here and now.
his first epistle, John declares that "God is light," and that "in him is no darkness at all," and adds: "If we say that we have fellowship with him, and walk in darkness, we lie, and do not the truth: but if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin.
To-day when reading the testimonies in the Sentinel, I felt it time for me to express my gratitude for Christian Science,—for what it has done and is doing for me.
About four years ago an incident occurred which I accepted as an illustration of the powerlessness of error when one's thought is fortified with the truth.
Since my girlhood I have loved and studied the Bible, and as far as I understood the teachings of Jesus have endeavored to put them into practice, even to leaving dear ones and going to a foreign country to tell the good news to those who had never heard of God as Love.
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