A Better Understanding of the Word

An earnest religious worker, not of our faith, said to me the other day, "We do not believe in taking from or adding to, the Word." I replied, "Neither do we; the Word is perfect, a complete whole, it is God." In thinking over this conversation, the following illustration appealed to me.

While mortals were using tallow dips for lighting purposes they were satisfied, for the time being, with that idea of light; but as progress brought forward oil, gas, electric light, they willingly accepted the clearer expression of light. Now, light still remained a perfect, unchangeable whole, our conception only, had expanded, and with each advancing change we saw more clearly.

Just so it is with the Word. "As thought expands, under divine influence and guidance, we realize and understand the Word of God more clearly." The mortal belief of light was improved. The spiritual sense is unalterable, for the Word stands immovable, unchangeable, "the same yesterday, to-day, and forever." With each forward step we gain a more perfect understanding, knowing that "the Word was with God, and the Word was God."

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Religious Items
June 13, 1901

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