Radiance of the Sun

Boston Herald

Remarkable interest is awakened by Tesla's new light, "artificial sunlight," he calls it, "the result of ten years of thought and experiment." Under a full head of electricity the lamp presents a magic spectacle. Without wick, wire, or carbon filament it floods an apartment with the light of day. It is soothing to the eye and wonderfully diffused — almost shadowless. In its soft radiance one may read and write in any corner of the room as if it were day.

And how is this light produced?

By electrical vibrations of tremendous speed. For years the Public has heard of Tesla's oscillator — that wonderful machine roaring out lightning in zigzag, leaping tongues of flame which Tesla claimed was to produce wonders, such as sending currents around the world without wires and burning the nitrogen of the air.

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The Lectures
February 14, 1901

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