Walking and talking freely again

A few years ago I began experiencing a lot of trouble walking and speaking normally, and there were other painful symptoms. I feared these problems might be connected with my having had polio as a child, since doctors had warned me of possible aftereffects later in life. 

I called a Christian Science practitioner for healing through prayer, and we discussed the truth that man is created by God and expresses His qualities—purity, perfection, and wholeness. We reasoned that disease was never really part of me, now or in the past, because the spiritual fact is that God’s law of harmony is always governing man, who is spiritual, made in the image and likeness of God. The lack of freedom I seemed to be experiencing was unreal—a false suggestion that God was not the only creator and the supreme governor of His creation. 

The practitioner shared passages from the Bible and the writings of Mary Baker Eddy, which brought me comfort and supported my trust in God. Through her prayers and my own study of Christian Science, I learned to look away from the symptoms and keep my attention on the truth of man’s flawless nature as God’s perfect reflection. Leaning on these spiritual facts, I was able to let go of fear.

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Image and Inspiration
'That Truth gives promise of a dawn ...'
December 10, 2018

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