Healing: seeing through the mirage of disease

When I was ten, my family took a trip through Death Valley National Park in California. Each day, as we drove across the desert, I marveled at the mirages I saw out in front of the car. I could never figure out what happened to the water when we drove through the mirages. 

When I first spotted a mirage ahead, I used a visual marker such as a road sign to gauge where the water was on the road, then looked for the water once we drove past that visual marker. But I could never find the water.

These days I teach Sunday School at a branch Church of Christ, Scientist, in the state of Texas, which, like Death Valley in California, has no shortage of mirages on its roads. In Sunday School I once asked my ten-year-old students the question that used to puzzle me when I was their age: “What happens to the water when you drive through a mirage?” 

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Neighborhood watch
November 10, 2014

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