I first learned of Christian Science in my second year of college...

I first learned of Christian Science in my second year of college, when one of my assignments was to write a book review. I chose a biography of Mrs. Eddy, but to this day I can't explain why, as I had never heard of Christian Science. I made no further inquiries until my senior year, when I met a student of this religion who was later to become my wife.

Though I had no desire to investigate the healing power of prayer I had faith in her understanding of it and asked her help on one occasion to ease the discomfort of influenza. I was healed overnight and was so impressed by this proof of God's loving care that I threw away all the medicines I had been taking for years to relieve intestinal distress. From that day there has never been a desire for medicine of any kind.

Over the years I have had many healings. Perhaps one of the most outstanding was in 1953, when I was healed of what had been diagnosed as scarlet fever. It was a turning point for me because I had been neglecting my study of Christian Science and had fallen into some bad habits, two of them being smoking and drinking. Our two small children had also contracted the disease, so we notified the proper authorities and obeyed the quarantine required by law.

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June 14, 1975

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