
Spiritual discernment is greatly to be desired, for those who have exercised this faculty have been enabled to do much good. Under the guidance of God, divine Mind, their lives have been conformed to His purpose. The Bible testifies to the achievements of many Hebrews who expressed spiritual discernment in a marked degree. The prophets were imbued with the spirit of divine Love, and with spiritual discernment, as were also some others who are not spoken of as prophets. Because they exercised this spiritual gift their sayings and doings have been preserved in the Biblical records.

Spiritual discernment is vastly different from what is sometimes regarded as discernment. Christ Jesus referred to the true discernment when he said, "If ... thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light." In these few words he not only pointed to the nature of true discernment but showed clearly what is needed in order that it may be enjoyed. The so-called intellectuality of the carnal mind, which is darkness, counterfeits the intelligence of divine Mind. Spiritual discernment sees good alone as real, thus exposing evil as unreal and powerless. The practical detection and correction of errors and mistakes by means of Christian Science prove one's understanding of the truth of being.

We may note in the first chapter of the book of the Bible which bears his name that Nehemiah, the great Jewish patriot, while living in captivity, heard reports of the needs of his Jewish brethern, who were living in and around Jerusalem. Later, as related in this inspiring book, when he had practically completed the building of the wall of Jerusalem, his enemies, Tobiah and Sanballat, through their representatives, tempted him with specious arguments. Nehemiah detected the subtlety of this artifice, as we find in his own words: "And, lo, I perceived that God had not sent him; but that he pronounced this prophecy against me: for Tobiah and Sanballat had hired him." Thus spiritual discernment enabled Nehemiah to avail himself through prayer of God's protection, and empowered him to carry on his useful work to completion.

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"Radiant reflection"
January 6, 1934

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