[Original testimonies in German]

From the bottom of my heart I must thank God, who...

From the bottom of my heart I must thank God, who has helped me so wonderfully through Christian Science; Mrs. Eddy, through whom this blessed Science was given us; and also the dear practitioner through whom I received help.

For over thirty years I had had heart trouble. In my fortieth year I had to send for a doctor, who diagnosed a dilatation; and I had to keep my bed for a long time. There was then some improvement. However, heart trouble remained, and I stayed preferably in the house, for as soon as I went any distance I had dyspnœa. Then one time my son said to me, "Turn to Christian Science; there you will surely be helped." After some time I determined to attend the Sunday services. Getting there, however, was very toilsome to me, for I constantly had to stop, severe dyspnœa overcoming me. After I had gone a number of times to the services, I went to a practitioner, who helped me lovingly. On the very next Sunday I was able to go to the services without dyspnœa—could even run uphill; and since then the difficulties have not returned, and my general health has noticeably improved.

It will now be my earnest aim, through diligent study, constantly to strive to understand Christian Science better, and to express it more in my life.—(Mrs.) Emma Zeiser, Pforzheim, Baden, Germany.

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Testimony of Healing
I had been a sufferer from chronic indigestion for eighteen...
December 12, 1931

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