Our Work

It sometimes happens that the Christian Science student works long and faithfully on a problem without seeming to gain any light, but rather with a depressing sense of growing strain, burden, and responsibility; until at length discouragement argues that he is faced with a task impossible of accomplishment, and that his honest, faithful work has been of no avail. But honest, earnest seeking of the light is true prayer; and no true prayer can go unanswered. So there surely must come the welcome ray to reveal the sinew of his error. Perhaps the inspiration may come in these illuminating words of our Leader, Mary Baker Eddy, to be found on page 419 of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," "Your true course is to destroy the foe, and leave the field to God, Life, Truth, and Love, remembering that God and His ideas alone are real and harmonious;" and possibly he may see that he has strayed from the true course in a vain attempt to do God's work instead of his own.

The ability to discern clearly our own proper work is at all times essential to the prompt solution of our problems. The many misleading suggestions of error which would seek to prevent us from seeing and doing our own work, and burden us with a frightened sense of personal responsibility by occupying and perplexing our thought with that which is not properly our work at all, should be detected and dismissed.

It is not our work to create anything, to make anything, to produce anything. We do not have to create harmony, make a sick man well, or produce supply; but it is our work to stop being deceived, to stop believing a lie, to stop accepting as real the suggestions of discord — sickness, want, and so forth. God's work is done; and all His creation exists, and must always continue to exist, complete, harmonious, and perfect. Our work is to dispel the fog of false belief claiming to veil the true idea. We do not have to make evil unreal; evil is unreal, and our part is to know that it is unreal. Neither do we ever have to make good real; it already is so. We do not declare the truth to make it true; we declare it because it is true.

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Emergence from Matter
July 16, 1927

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