In the summer of 1897, I was feeling very ill

In the summer of 1897, I was feeling very ill. I had been taking medicine for about three months, but was not improving. Physicians told me I had valvular disease of the heart, and that there was no cure for it. I felt then that I had but a short time to live. I knew of Christian Science, but had no thought of trying it, since I had a fatal disease, and there was no help in anything for me. One night when I awoke, I was impressed with a desire to try Christian Science. In the morning I told my wife. She encouraged me in the idea. As we had friends in Boston, we went there to the Mother Church on Sunday. As I came out I spoke with a gentleman, who invited me to come to his house the next morning. I went and he told me what Christian Science had done for him and others, and advised me to get Science and Health, and read it. After his talking to me about an hour, I went away feeling stronger and better. I bought the book and read it, but could not understand it. I kept on reading, however, and the thought came to me slowly. I saw it was the Truth, for I was improving, but it was a warfare. I had many battles to fight with error, but I felt I must work out my own salvation with God's help. My healing was slow, it was about a year before I could say I was healed. I am very thankful for the physical healing, but more so for the spiritual understanding of God's word that has come to me through Science and Health. I am very grateful to the kind Scientists who have encouraged me by their helpful words and letters to hold to the Truth. I thank and bless God for the love and peace that have come into our lives. We are also grateful to our Leader who has shown us this blessed way whereby we may be healed of all "sorrow, and sickness, and sin," and we are working and striving to live pure lives in Christ Jesus, and to love God and all mankind.—R. C. S., Winchester, N. H.

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Testimony of Healing
"Praise the Lord, Oh my soul, and all that is within me,...
July 31, 1902

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