I know who I am

Near the end of last summer I hit a very low point in my life. My husband and I had made a major move across the country, and while he had a good job in our new location, I was at home desperately trying to figure out where I fit and what my purpose was. I had applied for approximately 40 jobs online, but had received no responses. To say I was discouraged would be a big understatement.

At first, I was so worried that I almost begged God to show me the way.

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So, one hot day in August I walked down the street to the beach near my house and set myself up for some serious prayer time. At first, I was so worried that I almost begged God to show me the way. But then I settled into a deep and honest affirmative prayer that felt solid and effective. While this is not a formula for prayer, these are some of the ideas I prayed with:

God, I am Yours. I am here to serve You. You are the only producer, coordinator, adviser, director, and manager. I am guided, employed, scheduled, and governed by You. I am willing to do Your work. I know there is a demand for the specific qualities that I have to offer.

I know who I am.

I am the child of divine Love. Feeling so completely cared for by God, I cannot fear.

I am the child of divine Mind. I know what to do and how to do it. I know whom to talk to and what to say.

I am the child of divine Spirit. I have an unlimited source of energy that cannot be depleted.

I am the child of divine Principle. I am disciplined and patient and, therefore, always protected from my own undoing.

I am the child of divine Soul. I live in perfect harmony every day.

I am the child of divine Truth. I cannot help but live with integrity and honesty.

I am the child of divine Life. I have no room for discouragement, hopelessness, self-degradation, frustration, mental paralysis, regret, ingratitude, concern, dread, overindulgence, friction, self-aggrandizement, failure, jealousy, selfishness, or stagnation. I know there is no shortage of demand for what I am able to supply.

When I finished my “prayer session” at the beach, I walked up the hill to my house. As soon as I walked in the door, the phone rang. It was someone I had known slightly, several years earlier. She said that she was thinking about leaving her position. While she prayed about who might be a good replacement, my name came to her thought. This call led to very satisfying employment that has enabled me to draw from my professional experience and the spiritual lessons learned. I know who I am. I am God’s humble servant, and I am grateful.

God really does answer prayer!

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