Nothing is lost to all-knowing Mind

My family and I have had many proofs of God’s loving care for His children, including healings of migraine headaches, flu, and a skin growth. We have learned that we can turn to God in any circumstance and receive divine help. I am particularly grateful for God’s guidance in recovering a lost item last summer. 

After my daughter and I had enjoyed a beautiful swim in the ocean, we came back from the beach with our chairs and umbrellas in tow. It was then that my daughter realized she didn’t have her earrings. She had left them on her dress before swimming, and they had landed in the sand when she put her dress on. She was sad because these were her favorite earrings that she wore with everything. 

I immediately began praying. In the Glossary of Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, Mary Baker Eddy defines God as “The great I AM; the all-knowing, all-seeing, all-acting, all-wise, all-loving, and eternal; Principle; Mind; Soul; Spirit; Life; Truth; Love; all substance; intelligence” (p. 587). I reasoned that if God is Mind and is the Father of all, man must be the expression of that Mind and can see as the Father sees. Nothing can truly be lost, because Mind’s creation consists of spiritual ideas, and infinite Mind knows where its ideas are; they are never outside of Mind.

Later that day, my daughter and I walked back to the beach to look for the earrings. I silently affirmed that I could see what God sees. That is, I could see the perfect wholeness of His kingdom, with nothing missing or out of place. Knowing that God cares for all His children, I pondered the blessings He had already bestowed on us. 

Quite quickly, I noticed something glittering in the sand and picked it up. It was my daughter’s earring! I was so grateful to have found it, but of course it was part of a pair, and she could not wear it without the other earring. I reminded myself that God’s work is complete. God’s children could never be left with isolated pieces that don’t work together or serve their purpose.

A hymn by Anna Waring came to thought:

Wherever He may guide me,
No want shall turn me back;
My Shepherd is beside me,
And nothing can I lack.
His wisdom ever waketh,
His sight is never dim;
He knows the way He taketh,
And I will walk with Him.
(No. 148, Christian Science Hymnal)

Soon the other earring became evident in a mound of sand where it was nestled, revealing only a sliver. My daughter was elated, and I reminded her that this is how God works. His work is complete and satisfying, and we can trust the truth and be confident in the outcome. We walked arm in arm as we returned from the beach, rejoicing in God’s goodness. This beautiful experience—a small but nonetheless significant proof of the power of prayer—was a satisfying lesson in God’s allness and loving care. 

Rita Abraham
Staten Island, New York, US

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