Set upon high places

Hoops talk with college basketball player Trevor Huffman

People attending the Church of Christ, Scientist, in Kent, Ohio, have gotten used to the sight of a 6-foot, 2-inch Kent State University student in sneakers sprinting up to the main door of the church.

He is Trevor Huffman, an education major specializing in English, who made an impressive debut as a combination point guard and shooting guard on the Golden Flashes team, which reached the NCAA Division One tournament for the first time in its history. We talked with Trevor just after he had returned with the Golden Flashes from a tour of Italy and the Netherlands.

"College athletes who really want to do well," says Trevor, "have to think beyond the strenuous training sessions and the sacrifice of recreation time. They need a deep commitment to excellence in everything they do—including academic studies. Division One basketball is about teamwork. Unselfishness. Running with the ball in every corner of their lives.

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Life Within the LIONS' DEN
January 1, 2000

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