Early in my experience in...

Early in my experience in Christian Science I memorized "the scientific statement of being," to be found on page 468 of our textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by our beloved Leader, Mary Baker Eddy.

One day while I was at work a heavy casting became disengaged from the vise in which it had been placed, and fell on my foot. The pain was severe, and my first thought was to remove the shoe and sock so that I might see how badly my foot had been injured I then remembered that "the scientific statement of being" declares, "There is no life, truth, intelligence, nor substance in matter," and then goes on and tells us why. I meditated on this great truth, and the foot was forgotten. I went on with my job and experienced no further discomfort. That evening, when the shoe and sock were removed, I found that they had been cut through as with a sharp instrument, but there was no evidence of injury to the foot.

At about the same time I was healed of one form of the tobacco habit. This healing took place without specific work or effort on my part; however, I indulged in another form of the habit for several years, during which time I felt that it should be healed in the same manner as the first, without effort on my part. At this time I was under the impression that stopping the use of tobacco while the desire for it remained would be using human will power. This condition existed until I learned that a branch church in which I desired membership would not accept anyone who used tobacco. It was then clear to me that using the weapons of Truth in our warfare against error was employing the power not of the human but of the divine will. I then stopped smoking and went forth to battle, armed with "the scientific statement of being" and truths from some of our hymns, the two most used being (Christian Science Hymnal, Nos. 59 and 83), "Fight the good fight with all thy might," and "God made all His creatures free." The demonstration was finally made, and I later became a member of the branch church.

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Testimony of Healing
It is now many years since the...
June 7, 1947

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