The teachings of Christian Science present the truths...

Newry Telegraph

The teachings of Christian Science present the truths taught by Christ Jesus in their original meaning, free of all creeds and dogmas. The reason why so many critics give a distorted description of the teachings of Christian Science is that they read into their view of the subject much of what they have been previously educated to believe, or what is already in their thought. When Christ Jesus told the man with the withered hand to stretch it forth and the man did so, it was restored whole as the other. From this it is evident that Christ Jesus knew something which others who could not do the same did not know. Mrs. Eddy discovered the spiritual laws which enabled Christ Jesus to heal the sick and reform the sinner; and she has given not only the complete statement of these laws in the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," but she has also given a clear and entirely satisfactory explanation of the nature of Christ Jesus. On pages 332 and 333 of this book she writes: "He expressed the highest type of divinity, which a fleshly form could express in that age. Into the real and ideal man the fleshly element cannot enter. Thus it is that Christ illustrates the coincidence, or spiritual agreement. between God and man in His image."

To be a Christian one must in some measure think as Christ Jesus thought, and to be a Christian Scientist one must also have in some degree a demonstrable knowledge of what Christ Jesus knew.

The editorial writer states that Mr. Tennant's letter is a mere tissue of assertions. If he were willing to accept certain of them as premises he would see how logical the teachings of Christian Science are. The most convincing of all arguments is proof through demonstration, and the teachings of Christian Science are demonstrable. I would, however, add that it is only in proportion as one gains the Mind of Christ that one is able to demonstrate these teachings.

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